5 Reasons Farmers Make the Transition from Animal-based to Plant-based Agriculture

Farmers worldwide have begun to shift away from raising cattle and toward crop cultivation to accommodate the increasing market for plant-based milk and meat substitutes made from peas and other plant ingredients.

In place of animal agriculture, they are switching to the production of crops like oats, peas, soybeans, and other plants that will be necessary to meet this consumer demand.

Animal rights are ethical principles that are based on the belief that animals (non-humans) should be allowed to live without interference from human needs. Animal rights are centered on autonomy, which is a synonym for choice.

Foods originating from plants, such as grains, legumes, fruits, nuts, and vegetables, are referred to as plant-based foods. In the near future, the market for plant-based products is anticipated to have significant expansion prospects in developing nations….Read More

Top 7 Tips for Growing Cucumbers

Cucumbers are tropical vegetables that thrive well in hot areas. If you love cucumbers, then you might be interested in growing some. These are warm-weather vegetables that require a lot of water.

There are also varieties to suit your needs. Whether you want cucumbers for pickling or slicing, there are varieties to consider.

Yes, you can grow cucumbers in pots and enjoy bumper harvests. But not just any pot. Cucumbers do well in large pots with plenty of soil. These are plants with an extensive root system.

Based on Backyard Gardeners Network, good spacing is also essential if you’re planting your cucumber seeds in a row. You don’t want your cucumber plants too close. When cucumbers are too close, air circulation is reduced. This leads to more humid conditions. And we all know fungal diseases thrive well in humid conditions….Read More